Government Agencies


Regulations coming from the government agencies have become increasingly stringent and the role of technology in helping organizations meet requirements has never been more important. These organizations have a distinct need for structured content management (SCM) solutions that help them meet consistency and delivery requirements for regulations and authoring of documents more quickly and more efficiently.

Traditional CMS prevent efficient creation and re-use of information

Traditional CMS solutions, while effective for handling complete manuscripts of information, are too rigid to truly manage the information that government agencies generate. Locked inside of documents, the information may be discoverable, but it cannot be re-used efficiently without cutting and pasting which is error-prone leading to unacceptable inconsistency. Changes made to one area of a document will not flow through to other materials that utilize the same information leading to inconsistencies and regulatory infractions.

Our software enables creation and distribution of accurate regulatory content

Dx4 from DitaExchange is a structured content management solution that enables organizations to create information in topics or pieces that can be authored and approved individually, then pulled into documents, studies and other materials easily through content maps. By creating information in this manner, topics are written and approved only once, but automatically updated everywhere and every time a new document is published. SCM enables your organization to always provide the right information, to the right person at the right time and in the right format. 

Common uses for government agencies

•       Improve the customer experience through delivery of more relevant and consistent information
•       Enable the delivery of current and timely content to customers at the “moment-of-need”
•       Enhance and streamline content authoring, review and approval processes
•       More effectively classify and structure content to enable intelligent delivery / personalization
•       Where appropriate, utilize and deploy this solution with existing tools, applications and resources
•       Can dramatically improve AI and chat-bot solutions built on technologies such as IBM’s Watson or Microsoft’s LUIS

Read more about how you can keep up with global regulatory requirements